Sunday, January 10, 2010

Freakonomics book summary

I am still reading this book but wanted to put in a few comments about what I have read so far. This is a fun book to read. The examples picked by the authors are from day to day life but the way they have arrived at some conclusions using economics is surprising. The conclusions are even more surprising but totally make sense once you read how they were arrived at. I will reserve this book for more casual reading when I have time.

Books to read in 2010

I have decided to compile a list of Non-fiction books that I want to read in 2009-2010. I will try and write a short summary of each book and post it here.
  1. Freakonomics
  2. How to be a star at work
  3. The 10 day MBA
  4. The Checklist Manifesto
  5. The Art of the Start
  6. Anti-Cancer: A new way of Life
  7. The 5 people you meet in Heaven
  8. Innovation and entrepreneurship